When it comes to choosing wallpaper for the home, you know that there are tons of options to choose from. One particular type of wallpaper is the flocked wallpaper, which is a form of textured, velvety and retro looking wallpaper. This type of wallpaper was quite the trend in the early eighties, but it went out of style in the mid-nineties. Flocked wallpaper is made with the use of flocking, which is a special process where small particles are shot on an adhesive surface. When thousands of small nylon particles are thrown together on the surface, it offers that velvety feeling. When buying flocked wallpaper, you will have the option of choosing from a wide range of colors and designs.
Also Visit: Wallpaper for Bathroom
In the early days, if a home had flocked wallpaper on the walls, it was regarded as a sense of class, elegance and luxury. Due to the price tag associated with such wallpaper options, many people did not have the privilege of having this trendy flock wallpaper. Today, home decor has become quite affordable, despite rising production costs. There was once a time when you were only able to purchase flock wallpaper from special manufacturers, but that is no longer the case. These types of home wallpaper products can be purchased in sheets or rolls through most DIY home improvement stores and online outlets. Premium design wallpapers may be expensive from retail outlets, so you may have better luck when buying wallpapers online.
The good thing about this type of wallpaper is that it could be used in any area around the home, regardless of the color combination you are aiming for. Flock wallpaper has been known to work best in dining rooms, hallways and stairwells. The texture and style that flocked wallpaper showcases is very different from what you would see with regular wallpaper, so it really gives the home a more enhanced look. Even though there are new designs and styles that come out with contemporary wallpapers, there is still a sense of elegance in using flock wallpaper. If you want to achieve that retro look in a particular room, you should either look for contemporary or flocked wallpapers.
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